Monday, June 29, 2009

10 Summer Goals: Update

On May 19, 2009, these were my goals for the summer:
1. Get through Chemistry I and II.
2. Refine my inner mother voice at the clinic (the one that tells kids to stop climbing on chairs).
3. Finish weeding the front/back yards and plant tomatoes, peas and flowers (probably snapdragons).
4. Spend time drawing on non-construction paper. Perhaps get some crayons/pastels.
5. Go out and take pictures of the pretty flowers.
6. Get basic kitchen and cleaning supplies/vacuum/pretty lights for future college apartment.
7. Learn how to cook stuff that isn't pasta or brisket.
8. Have quality time with friends, which I had so little of last summer.
9. Read at least 1 book/week.
10. Continue re-learning to ride a bike.

How am I doing?
1. Still in progress. Making the adjustment from liberal arts classes to the hard sciences has been difficult, but having fun bench-mates in lab ("can we make a promise to not have any more explosions?") has made it better.
2. In my early days at the clinic, using my "inner mother voice" meant telling kids to stop climbing on chairs. Since the introduction of the Wii, it has meant telling 12 year old boys who have Wiis at home to play with other kids and take turns. Sadly, it's easier to tell 2 year olds to give back crayons than to tell 12 year olds to take turns playing video games.
3. The garden is progressing nicely; there is 1 tomato starting to grow, some ripening strawberries, and a lot of mint and basil. But it does need weeding again.
4. I'm still drawing on construction paper. My only non-construction paper drawings this summer are diagrams of electron orbitals for Chemistry.
5. Done.
6. Not there yet.
7. Not there yet.
8. This might be difficult, since most of my friends have jobs/internships and/or are out of state, but my one day off (that isn't Shabbos) matches up with at least someone else's usual day off.
9. I've learned the difficult art of making refried bean and salsa tortilla wraps in the microwave.
10. I went out on my mom's bike one Sunday afternoon with my dad. My dad tried to be my training wheels by holding onto the handlebar and jogging along the bike while I pedaled. I didn't fall, but my balance was off and I looked like a total dork.

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