Thursday, December 4, 2008

On a More Serious Note

In the middle of reading a Jewish blogger's entry about his interest in going to a mega-church* I noticed a series of comments basically saying that Jews should never enter churches because of all the wrongs that Christians have done to Jews (i.e. the Spanish Inquisition, the blood libels…) One commenter said "I personally spit every time I see [a church]."

It reminded me of an incident in which I was talking to someone about religion and he suggested that even today, Jews have to be cautious around Christians, especially Catholics. I told him that I have a Catholic aunt and reminded him that my whole family is Christian.

Perhaps I've been fortunate to know so many Jews and Christians who not only get along peacefully, but are close friends. Perhaps I'm also fortunate that the ministers from the church in which I was raised were understanding of my decision to withdraw my membership shortly before I converted to Judaism.

Even knowing the horrible tragedies that Christians have inflicted on Jews in the past, I know that I cannot deny the goodness most Christians have, especially the goodness in my family.

I hope and pray that my religious and blood kin will stop misunderstanding each other.

* Here's the link:

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