Sunday, June 3, 2012

House Weekend

In terms of nursing school news, my Physical Assessment class is going very smoothly. My lab partner and I aced our vitals midterm (we had to take each other's vitals - temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respirations). The next day, I aced my lecture midterm and then had lunch with a dear aunt. Brother and I had dinner at a charming bar a few hundred feet away from the apartment. I was told that Magners cider is a "girly" drink. I reminded Big Bro of one of my favorite mixed drinks, Cranberry Vodkas, which I think are clearly in the top five of girly drinks.

Moving day is fast approaching, so I helped my brother with some packing Friday night, and Saturday we put down primer in my future room (he did the tape and tarp). Brother, SIL, and I went to Lowe's to get some more painting supplies and pick window treatments (there are lots of windows in the house, and many of them are very tall). My favorite quote of the evening: "we will keep the blinds [in the basement windows] closed FOREVER." (Emphasis added).

This morning through this afternoon, the three of us primed the guest room (on the same floor as my future room), and then painted my room and the guest room.* The paint for my room looked light, light blue on the chip, but ended up a darker cooler than expected. But it was a beautiful color, so I don't care. Likewise, the light green for the guest room looks more yellow on the walls than on the chip, but not in a bad way, so we are considering both paint jobs done.

Tonight, we're getting falafel and frozen yogurt for dinner, and then watching Coming to America at the apartment. I'm excited.

* = To be accurate, Bro and I painted my room; Bro and SIL painted the guest room while I ran out to get my groceries.

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