Friday, February 13, 2009

On the Grey's/Private Practice Crossover

There are some spoilers, for those who didn't see the two-hour crossover.

While it is interesting to see Addison make dramatic appearances at Seattle Grace, especially when accompanied by four of her and Derek's friends, I didn't enjoy the switches between Addison's practice (in LA) and Seattle Grace, which seemed to happen every 5 minutes.

While there were three ridiculously complicated cases in Seattle — brain cysts caused by parasites (Addison's brother), a pregnant woman's aneurysm (complicated by the fact that the baby has heart problems), and a man with colorectal cancer who has withheld his diagnosis from his daughter (Owen's former fiance) — the most drama in LA was a couple's fight over whether or not a man in a relationship with a woman could be best friends with another woman (seriously? how did you people get through life?) and a woman coping with postpartum depression. 

The Private Practice/Grey's connection, outside of Addison's past ties with Derek, felt very weak. I think they could have squeezed in another case, maybe a small one in the clinic, instead of forcing the viewer to see 15 shots of the Seattle Grace entrance and the LA beach. It has been nice to see Izzie back as queen of the clinic/the only resident consistently teaching the interns, and no longer whining to/obseessing over/making out with Ghost Denny. (I would like an explanation for that soon, because usually making out with fiance ghosts is a bad sign).

On another note… in twenty minutes, my February vacation begins (and with only two homework assignments!), which will probably mean more posts.

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